Legal batteries for vaping , safe use for clients , secure sales for shops
  • Safe batteries grade A

    100% Authentic

  • Best seller batteries

    Design for retail

  • Global Certification

    Legal and authorized

  • Safe batteries grade A

    100% Authentic

  • Best seller batteries

    Design for retail

  • Global Certification

    Legal and authorized

Legal Notes

Contents and Guarantee
All details and information published on the websites of the companies belonging to MP EXTRA GROUP have been researched and verified with the utmost care by the people responsible of the MP EXTRA & Coor by third parties. For the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the above, neither the MP EXTRA & Co or third parties can offer a guarantee. This is also valid for websites of other providers which can be accessed via hyperlink. However, the MP EXTRA & Co does not take responsibility for the content of the latter.

Using the Websites
Content and layout of the websites provided by the companies belonging to MP EXTRA GROUP are subjected to copyright. In case duplication is not legally permitted anyway, duplicating the websites or the content of the latter is only allowed if the MP EXTRA & Co has given its written consent beforehand. 

Copyright and Copyright Law
Texts, images, animated graphics, videos, music, sounds and other material used on the websites of the MP EXTRA & Co as well as on the sites provided by the companies and corporations of MP EXTRA GROUP are protected by copyright. Under no circumstances is it allowed to remove or amend copyright notes. The MP EXTRA & Co only has the copyright on the choice, coordination and presentation of the material published on these websites. Copying the above material for commercial purposes, modifying or diverting it to other pages is not permitted.


Corporate Communications
14 rue Charle V
75004 PARIS

Responsibility for the websites published by MP EXTRA GROUP is the MP EXTRA GROUP. In case of inconsistencies or other problems, feel free to contact us under the mentioned addresses.

Energyvap® is a registered trademark of MP EXTRA GROUP. All Rights Reserved©
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